This will be a step-by-step guide | walkthrough for getting Instagram followers, go on.
Well quite everybody wants more followers right? And sometimes we want it now! It is like cheating in a game. When you get stuck in one chapter or boss you want to pass that. You search it on google and try to find cheat codes or walkthroughs. You already know what cheaters deserve on Instagram but let me tell you what they get when they buy Instagram followers; Instant Karma
Many bought followers are fake, so their engagement will below consequences and it will be seen from the outside also trying to fool people will have bad consequences
It will be hard to analyze the audience
The Algorithm will think the account likes fake accounts so it will show the content mostly fake accounts, and they are boring as hell. Fake accounts will not engage with the content so the algorithm will think the content is boring. Content will die before born
The demographics of the audience will change and it will be very hard to find the right audience after buying followers.
Here are the steps for getting more followers.
1st step; Define your audience
There are some tools you can use like Instagram, insights, define who you want to be your follower, know them closely, what they like, what they do, and what they talk about ( posts )
2nd step; Define what is your message
Think about you are at know a party, what are they doing, what if you join their conversation, what will you tell? If you have knowledge about that topic, share it. If you don't know anything about the topic, maybe you are at the wrong party or you can just google it and find information about it.
3rd step, Engage!
It's not just sharing posts, go check what are they talking about, and comment there, share your thoughts, and your knowledge
You don't have to pay for three steps but you must pay attention to them.
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